Dog’s Discordant Ditty: Bark, bark, and more bark – the soundtrack of the day. Reporting party’s got no love for this canine concert. Deputy chats with the pup’s maestro, hands out a gentle warning. The opera’s on hold, folks.
Highway Hesitation: A vehicle, hesitant, meandering on the highway like a cowboy lost in thought. Something’s amiss? Over to the State Police it goes.
ATM Alert: Alarm bells, high pitch wails from a lonely ATM begging for attention. Is it a heist in progress? Deputy dives in. But it’s all quiet, just a machine crying wolf. False alarm logged.
Smith’s Sins: Mercedes Smith, 32, of Ely – swept up in her own whirlwind of alleged wrongs. Child abuse, drugs, stolen cards, and firearms – oh, what a list. Caught and cuffed, awaiting her day in court.
Schoolhouse Squabbles: Youngster, acting the rebel in class. School Resource Officer steps in, takes notes. All in a day’s work at the schoolyard.
Featherly’s Fall: Daniel Featherly, 34, Ely’s own, caught in the shadow of another child abuse case. With conspiracy to commit child abuse and careless firearm storage in the mix, he’s headed for a reckoning.
Social Slander: The new town square, social media, plays host to a young one’s harsh words. School Resource Officer dives digital, sends the tale to Juvenile Probation.
School’s Secret Stash: A sinister find at school, echoes of rebellion and misplaced curiosity. The culprit? A student with misplaced ambitions. Another tale for Juvenile Probation’s books.
Scooter Shenanigans: Juvenile joyrides on motorized scooters, weaving through traffic, dancing with danger. Deputy cruises, eyes peeled, but the riders? They’ve vamoosed. A tale of their escapades remains.
Bike without a Rider: An orphaned bicycle, lonely and unclaimed at a local haunt. Deputy plays caretaker, stowing it safely in lost and found.
Downing’s Double Dilemma: Chalyndra D. Downing, 25, of Ely – caught in the act. Shoplifting turned into a bigger catch with an Ely Municipal Court warrant. The store’s inventory’s safe, but Downing? Booked.
Lingering Looks: Loitering, lingering, making folks uneasy at a local shop. Deputy drops by, has a chat. The wanderer’s shown the exit, warned not to return. Another day, another curious character.
Awning Accident: Vroom, crash, pause. A vehicle’s misadventure with a motel’s awning. No casualties, just some crumpled metal and bruised pride. Deputy paints the picture, scene captured, report wrapped.